Raptor Education Placement
Peregrine falcon
Name: Mike Fauteaux - user reviews
Posted: 7/24/2024
Phone: 5057936120
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: New Mexico
17 year old female peregrine falcon. Helping a friend with serious medical issues re home this bird. Free to good home.
Name: Mike Fauteaux - user reviews
Posted: 7/24/2024
Phone: 5057936120
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: New Mexico

Turkey Vulture, Red-shouldered Hawk
Name: Tanya - user reviews
Posted: 5/15/2024
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Location: New York
Approximately 10 year old Turkey Vulture for placement. Non-flighted. No formal training but extremely friendly and trainable!! Visible wing damage. This bird gets along with everyone - human and bird. Center where he was living was forced to place their animals due to lack of funding so he was transferred to us until permanent placement found.
5 year old female Red-shouldered Hawk, flighted, available. Bird has been used for on glove education work but would do better at a facility that can dedicate more time to her or with fewer handlers. Not aggressive.
Name: Tanya - user reviews
Posted: 5/15/2024
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: New York
Approximately 10 year old Turkey Vulture for placement. Non-flighted. No formal training but extremely friendly and trainable!! Visible wing damage. This bird gets along with everyone - human and bird. Center where he was living was forced to place their animals due to lack of funding so he was transferred to us until permanent placement found.
5 year old female Red-shouldered Hawk, flighted, available. Bird has been used for on glove education work but would do better at a facility that can dedicate more time to her or with fewer handlers. Not aggressive.
Harris Hawk
Name: Dina Spanomanolis - user reviews
Posted: 3/11/2024
Phone: 410-419-9328
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: Maryland
Female Harris hawk. Hatch 2011, Missing 2 side talons from squirrel hawking. Glove trained. FREE pick up or pay for shipping and health certificate if required.
Call or leave a message. 410-410-9328
Email. WDovesfly@aol.com
Name: Dina Spanomanolis - user reviews
Posted: 3/11/2024
Phone: 410-419-9328
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: Maryland
Female Harris hawk. Hatch 2011, Missing 2 side talons from squirrel hawking. Glove trained. FREE pick up or pay for shipping and health certificate if required.
Call or leave a message. 410-410-9328
Email. WDovesfly@aol.com
Black Vulture
Name: Molly Graf - user reviews
Posted: 3/7/2024
Phone: 7177765110
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: Pennsylvania
Juvenile Black Vulture, non releasable. Perfect health, not releasable due to being imprinted/too friendly with people. He is very bold, social, smart, playful, active. Hops to the glove, easy to handle. Very good bird for education, needs daily enrichment and attention/handling and a large enclosure. Proper Federal and state permitting required.
Name: Molly Graf - user reviews
Posted: 3/7/2024
Phone: 7177765110
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: Pennsylvania

Swainsons Hawk, Adult
Name: Dina Spanomanolis - user reviews
Posted: 2/11/2024
Phone: 410-419-9328
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: Maryland
Please leave a message if no answer.. one wing is not aligned because it was not set right.
Name: Dina Spanomanolis - user reviews
Posted: 2/11/2024
Phone: 410-419-9328
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: Maryland
Please leave a message if no answer.. one wing is not aligned because it was not set right.
Eurasian Eagle Owl
Name: Corey Dalton - user reviews
Posted: 11/20/2023
Phone: (775) 219-8724
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: Nevada
Alice is a 3.5yo EEO. She does great with holds and pictures and will fly to the glove for food. Friendly to strangers and can be held easily. She has done very long event days. Weighs 6lbs. $4500 plus $200 for shipping. Will deliver within 250 miles of Reno for $100 gas for the round trip. Great bird, I just don't have time anymore. I have lots of pictures.
Name: Corey Dalton - user reviews
Posted: 11/20/2023
Phone: (775) 219-8724
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: Nevada

Harris Hawk
Name: David Hughes - user reviews
Posted: 11/17/2023
Phone: (509) 362-5017
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: Washington
2022 hatch 1x Intermewed Female Harris Hawk hatched 05/05/22. Was a screamer the first season, but still succesfully took Duck and Pheasant. Late in the season she injured her wingtips from excessive baiting.
Folicles remained and the hope was that after a successful molt, she would regrow the missing primaries but she continues to pull those feathers.
With the increased weight from the molt she no longer screams. She's an incredibly sweet bird from the White Wing line and she would be great for an Education or display situation.
Located in Washington state and would prefer local pickup.
Name: David Hughes - user reviews
Posted: 11/17/2023
Phone: (509) 362-5017
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: Washington

Folicles remained and the hope was that after a successful molt, she would regrow the missing primaries but she continues to pull those feathers.
With the increased weight from the molt she no longer screams. She's an incredibly sweet bird from the White Wing line and she would be great for an Education or display situation.
Located in Washington state and would prefer local pickup.
Red Tailed Hawk
Name: Valerie Russell - user reviews
Posted: 11/12/2022
Website: Middletnraptorcenter.org
Phone: 931-273-6629
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: Tennessee
Adult Male Red Tailed Hawk, this bird came to us as a rehab and had been shot through his wing. He has made a tremendous recovery and as you can see on his left top of the wing his injury is healed. However, it has affected his ability to fly long distances. He is a beautiful red tail. Would be wonderful as an Ed bird or on display at a park.
Name: Valerie Russell - user reviews
Posted: 11/12/2022
Website: Middletnraptorcenter.org
Phone: 931-273-6629
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: Tennessee

Female American Kestrel
Name: Valerie Russell - user reviews
Posted: 8/9/2022
Phone: 931-273-6629
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: Tennessee
Female American Kestrel came to us from someone who had found it as a baby and kept it in their home. Imprinted
Pick up only. Must have education permit.
Name: Valerie Russell - user reviews
Posted: 8/9/2022
Phone: 931-273-6629
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: Tennessee

Pick up only. Must have education permit.
Great Horned Owl
Name: Valerie Russell - user reviews
Posted: 8/7/2022
Phone: 931-273-6629
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: Tennessee
Male Great Horned Owl ‘Krampus’ that was hit by a car and suffered a traumatic brain injury and broken right foot. Unable to be released due to his brain injury. His left middle talon is permanently flipping you the bird and he leans on the rear pad of his foot. He is very chill for a Great Horned Owl. He is a beautiful bird, does not mind being handled and will sit on a glove. Would make a wonderful display bird for a raptor center or state park. He has a sweet disposition and does not attempt to foot you when applying anklets or jesses. Needing him to be placed as soon as possible to free up his enclosure for other birds who need rehabilitation. Pick up only. Must have education permit.
Name: Valerie Russell - user reviews
Posted: 8/7/2022
Phone: 931-273-6629
E-mail: Email this seller
Location: Tennessee