No Barbary Falcons currently listed for placement
Barbary Falcon
The Barbary Falcon (Falco pelegrinoides) is a medium-sized falcon about the size of a crow. This bird of prey breeds in the Canary Islands and on the coasts of north Africa. It is mainly resident.
It is a bird of semi-desert and dry open hills. It typically lays its eggs in cliff-ledge nests.
The Barbary Falcon is similar to the Peregrine Falcon, but smaller at 33-39 cm length with a wingspan of 76-98 cm. The female is larger than the male. It resembles its relative in general structure.
Adults have paler grey-blue upperparts than the Peregrine, and often have a buff wash to the barred under parts, whereas the larger species has a white background color. The nape is rufous, but this is difficult to see.
Sexes are similar, apart from size, but the young birds have brown upperparts and streaked under parts. The streaking is lighter than in the juvenile Peregrine.
The call is a high-pitched "rek-rek-rek".