East Ural Buteoides Goshawks
REFERENCE ONLY: Raptor listed have been sold or removed.
East Ural Buteoides GoshawksName: Joel Knutson
Date: 7/6/2021
REFERENCE ONLY: Raptor listed have been sold or removed
Location: Cheney,
First clutch of East Ural Buteoides is sold but two chicks are available from the second clutch! One grey male and one grey female available. The photo is of a grey female (left) and grey male (right) from the first clutch. These are the largest goshawks available in the United States and this is the first time they have been produced in the states. Their feet have to be seen to be believed! 16 and 17 days old. Grey females are $4,000 and grey males are $3,500. Please email or call for details.
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